How to Make 5$ - 10$ Per Day From Facebook or Others Social Media | Online Make Money Tips
We all want to earn from online. Some people can not be able to do anything. Those people can not earn from online. They think that
they never earn from online.These are fake news.These are foul things.These people say that people can earn online. Talking is online to earn money from the internet. If you work properly in the right way, then there will be real income. But it requires a proper guideline. For the correct guide line I am with you. Subscribe to my block and my YouTube channel to get updates on regular online make money.
To earn from online,you need to know first, understand how to you have to work properly. You can earn money from online. There are many of us who use Facebook and have a lots of followers.I use it for the past.Today I will show you how you can earn online using social media power.Today we will know how we can earn through the adfly. Adfly will be the easiest way to earn money. A good Facebook id or page or group. I assumed you have a good Facebook page or group.There are 5000 friends, lots of member in the facebook group .If there is less then there is no problem.If you post any such popular facebook page, group or ID, then there will usually be 10 thousand view or like. And you can earn income through this post.If you have such a popular social media you can earn easily through adfly.Your job will be to do just that.if any visitor click on the post which you make then you will receive the specified amount.
Today I will show you how to do this work. Read my article till the end.
There are many companies who provide income through Visitor Exchange.I would like to clarify the matter.You uploaded a news on your facebook profile or in your facebook page and group. Before you post the news, you took a short link from a company. What will happen if you click on the short link and when a visitor will read the news, you will receive a payment from the company.Let's talk about adfly. Adfly usually for 1 thousand visitors pay 1 to 2 dollars. They say that they pay 1 to 2 dollars but the fact is that they do not give 1 to 2 dollars.for 1 thousand visitors then pay 1 dollars or less then 1 dollars.Now you have a facebook group of your two million subscribers, where posting is usually 10 thousand views per post. Then calculate how much your income can be.
The whole process is now I am sharing with you.
Click Here To Get Registration Form Of Adfly
If you click on the link which is given avove.Then you will get the registration form Like....
If you click on join now.Then you will get the fainal Registration Form.After getting the form fill up it.The form Looks Like........
When you complete step:2 ,a confirmation mail will be send to your mail.check your mail and follow.
check mail.and copy the Activation key .and visit The new link to activation your account by the activation key.
if you go to the link to activate your account by activation key then you will get that such a interface which is given below.past your account activation key here.This is the fainal step.
After completing step:4 you'll get this interface which is given below....
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